Castle Marrach - The Forever Winter


Appendix II: Parts of Speech and the Skotos Parser

This appendix lists the parts of the speech that the Skotos parser understands, defines them, and explains when they can be used.

Adjective. A word that modifies an adjective. Examples include "brown", "Queen", and "tall". Every object in Castle Marrach typically has one or more adjectives associated with it. A chair might be "comfortable", "old", and "green". Adjectives are primarily used when you are trying to reference a noun in a unique manner. For example, if there were three swords in a room, one of which was shiny, you could look at or take the "shiny sword".

Adverb. A word that modifies a verb. Examples include "slowly", "slyly", and "impatiently". In Castle Marrach, adverbs may be used to modify any communication verb. Dueling, help, manipulation, movement, and perception verbs can not necessarily be modified by adverbs.

Cardinal. A counting number. Examples include "one", "two", and "three". Currently you can use some of the manipulation verbs on more than one noun at the same time. To do this, use the ordinal: "take two cards".

Conjunction. A word that connects together parts of speech. The only conjunction used by Castle Marrach is "and". Currently you can only use conjunctions to connect lists of nouns when you are using a manipulation verb ("take sword and dagger").

Noun. A word that is used to name a person, place, or thing. Examples include "Vivienne", "table", and "hearth". Every object in Castle Marrach is identified by one of more nouns. For example a "chair" may also be associated with the noun "seat".

Ordinal. An ordering number. Examples include "first", "second", and "third". Whenever you are referring to a noun you can use an ordinal to provide unique identification. For example if there are three swords in a room, you can type "look at second sword".

Possessive. A word that indicates possession. Examples include "my", "Cameo's", and "Camille's". Possessives can always be used in conjuction with nouns to provide unique identification. For example "look at Cameo's sword" or "look at my tunic".

Preposition. A word that most frequently shows a relationship between two nouns (but sometimes a relationship between a noun and a verb). Examples include "on", "in", and "below". Prepositions are widely used in Castle Marrach. The most common uses are:

  • To place objects in relation to each other ("put knife on altar").
  • To direct a communication to someone ("shout at queen").
  • To direct perception to something ("look at throne").
  • To take a stance in relationship to something ("crouch under bed").
  • TO direct another verb toward something ("point at exit").

Pronoun. A word that replaces a noun. Pronouns that may be used in Castle Marrach are "me", "she", "he", and "it". "Me" always refers to your character. "She" and "He" refer, respectively, to the last female and male person you interacted with. "It" refers to the last non-living object you interacted with. The pronouns "you" and "I" are not used in Castle Marrach.

Verb. An action word. Examples include "go", "look", and "take". In Castle Marrach all verbs are used in the imperative (or command) form. Each command given to Castle Marrach must include a verb. The main categories of verbs in Castle Marrach include: communication, dueling, help, manipulation, movement, and perception.

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